Zunzi's + Zunzibar Wrap Up Fundraising Quarter with Donation to Feeding America

Three people holding a check in front of the neon sign at Zunzi's


During its quarterly ZUNZIFEST! earlier this month, Zunzi’s + Zunzibar, the Savannah-based sister brands with locations in Savannah, Tybee Island and Atlanta, donated a check to Feeding America to support its local affiliates—The Atlanta Community Food Bank and America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia. Mary Jane Crouch of Second Harvest accepted the check in Savannah on behalf of Feeding America. During its quarter-long fundraising period from October to December 2023, Zunzi’s + Zunzibar raised and donated 1% of sales to Feeding America which totaled over $11,000. The fundraising period culminated in ZUNZIFEST! on Jan. 9, with an appreciation event that celebrated the community, 26 CLUB members with free sandwiches and the Zunzi’s + Zunzibar team with a party. To learn more about ZUNZIFEST! read about it here


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